2024 年 6 月 3 日至 9 日每週 WordPress 漏洞報告



Maintaining the security of your WordPress site is crucial to protect both your site’s integrity and your users’ data. This weekly report, covering the period from June 3, 2024, to June 9, 2024, highlights the latest vulnerabilities discovered in WordPress plugins and themes. Staying updated with these reports is essential for site administrators to mitigate risks promptly and efficiently.



During this period, 216 vulnerabilities were reported, affecting 181 plugins and 10 themes. Among these, 65 remain unpatched, posing significant risks to WordPress sites.

Critical Unpatched Vulnerabilities:

  1. BuddyPress Cover (<= – Unauthenticated Arbitrary File UploadSeverity: Critical (CVSS 10.0)
    CVE-ID: CVE-2024-35746
  2. Gallery – Image and Video Gallery with Thumbnails (<= 2.0.3) – Authenticated SQL InjectionSeverity: Critical (CVSS 9.9)
    CVE-ID: CVE-2024-35750


Among the reported vulnerabilities, 151 have been patched. Immediate updates are recommended to mitigate these risks.

Critical Patched Vulnerabilities:

  1. Contact Form to DB by BestWebSoft (<= 1.7.2) – Authenticated SQL InjectionSeverity: Critical (CVSS 9.9)
    CVE-ID: CVE-2024-35678
  2. Email Subscribers by Icegram Express (<= 5.7.20) – Unauthenticated SQL InjectionSeverity: Critical (CVSS 9.8)
    CVE-ID: CVE-2024-4295


  • 漏洞總數: 216
  • 已修補: 151
  • Unpatched: 65

Severity Levels:

  • 中等的: 184
  • 高的: 21
  • 批判的: 11

Common Types:

  • 跨站腳本(XSS): 108
  • 缺少授權: 49
  • SQL注入: 8
  • 路徑遍歷: 8


Potential Risks

Unaddressed vulnerabilities can lead to severe consequences such as data breaches, site defacement, and malware infections. For instance, an unauthenticated arbitrary file upload vulnerability could allow an attacker to upload malicious files, leading to full site compromise.


Consider a scenario where a critical SQL injection vulnerability in a popular plugin is exploited. An attacker could gain unauthorized access to the site’s database, steal sensitive information, and manipulate site content. In another case, an unpatched cross-site scripting vulnerability could be exploited to execute malicious scripts in the context of a user’s browser, potentially leading to session hijacking or phishing attacks.


Updating Plugins and Themes

  • 定期更新: Always ensure your plugins and themes are updated to the latest versions. Enable automatic updates where possible.
  • Vulnerability Monitoring: Use tools and services to monitor vulnerabilities in your installed plugins and themes.

Implementing Security Measures

  • Two-Factor Authentication: Implement two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security.
  • 定期備份: Regularly backup your site to quickly recover in case of a security breach.
  • Strong Password Policies: Enforce strong password policies and use password managers to maintain secure credentials.

Detailed Guides

  1. 設定雙重認證:Install a 2FA plugin.
    Configure the plugin according to your requirements.
    Encourage all users to enable 2FA on their accounts.
  2. 定期備份:Choose a reliable backup plugin.
    Schedule regular backups.
    Store backups in a secure offsite location.


SQL Injection in Contact Form to DB Plugin

  • Mechanics: This vulnerability allows an authenticated user to inject malicious SQL queries, potentially gaining access to or manipulating the database.
  • 影響: If exploited, an attacker could access sensitive data or alter database records.

Cross-Site Scripting in Various Plugins

  • Mechanics: XSS vulnerabilities occur when input is not properly sanitized, allowing attackers to inject malicious scripts.
  • 影響: Exploiting XSS can lead to session hijacking, defacement, and phishing attacks.



Comparing this week’s data with previous reports, there is a noticeable increase in cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Additionally, certain plugins have recurrent vulnerabilities, indicating a need for improved security practices among developers.

Plugin Performance

Some plugins, such as the Email Subscribers by Icegram Express, have shown consistent vulnerabilities over time. Site administrators using such plugins should consider alternatives or additional security measures.


WP-Firewall offers comprehensive protection against such vulnerabilities. Key features include real-time threat detection, firewall protection, malware scanning, and automatic updates. Our free plan ensures robust security for your site, with upcoming features enhancing these capabilities.

WP 防火牆的優點

Using WP-Firewall helps prevent data breaches and malware infections, improving site performance and reducing maintenance efforts. Our clients have reported significant security improvements, and user testimonials highlight the peace of mind provided by our services.

Examples of WP-Firewall's Effectiveness:

  • Client A: Avoided a significant data breach due to real-time threat detection.
  • Client B: Improved site performance and reduced downtime by implementing WP-Firewall.


Stay proactive in securing your WordPress site. Sign up for the WP-Firewall free plan today to protect against these vulnerabilities and ensure your site’s safety. Sign up here.


Regularly updating your WordPress site and using security solutions like WP-Firewall are crucial steps in maintaining a secure online presence. Stay informed, take proactive measures, and protect your site from emerging threats.

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