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Jun2024 2nd week - Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Insights cover

Jun2024 2nd week – Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Insights

Stay ahead of threats with our WordPress Weekly Vulnerability Report for June 10-16, 2024. Discover critical vulnerabilities across 62 plugins and learn how to safeguard your site against SQL injections, remote code execution, and unauthorized access. Equip yourself with essential security measures to maintain a robust online presence.

Understanding SQL Injection and Its Prevention Steps cover

Understanding SQL Injection and Its Prevention Steps

SQL injection remains a critical threat to website security, allowing attackers to manipulate databases and access sensitive information. This article delves into the mechanics of SQL injections, real-world case studies, and essential prevention strategies. Learn how to safeguard your WordPress site with robust security measures and practical tools like WP-Firewall.

Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Insight for May 27 to June 2 2024 cover

Aperçu hebdomadaire des vulnérabilités WordPress du 27 mai au 2 juin 2024

Discover the latest WordPress vulnerabilities from May 27 to June 2, 2024, in our comprehensive WP-Firewall report. With 100 vulnerabilities reported, including critical SQL injections and remote file inclusions, learn how to safeguard your site with real-time detection and robust security measures. Stay protected with WP-Firewall’s advanced solutions.

Block Unwanted WooCommerce Customers Efficiently cover

Block Unwanted WooCommerce Customers Efficiently

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, securing your WooCommerce store against Card-Not-Present (CNP) fraud is crucial. Learn how WP-Firewall can help you protect your business with real-time threat detection, secure payment gateways, and regular security audits. Safeguard your financial assets and build customer trust with these advanced security measures.

Understanding WooCommerce Card Not Present Fraud cover

Understanding WooCommerce Card Not Present Fraud

Card-not-present (CNP) fraud is a growing threat for WooCommerce businesses, leading to significant financial losses and reputational damage. This comprehensive guide explores the various methods of CNP fraud and offers robust solutions like WP-Firewall to protect your online store. Learn how to safeguard your business from phishing attacks, identity theft, chargeback fraud, and more.

Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report May 20 to 26 2024 cover

Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report May 20 to 26 2024

Stay ahead of security threats with our latest WordPress Vulnerability Report, covering May 20-26, 2024. Discover critical vulnerabilities in popular plugins and learn best practices for safeguarding your site. Ensure your WordPress site remains secure and resilient against potential attacks.

Hidden Plugin Exploits Harvesting WooCommerce Credit Card Data cover

Un plugin caché exploite la récolte de données de carte de crédit WooCommerce

Une récente cyberattaque a exploité un obscur plugin WordPress pour extraire les détails d’une carte de crédit d’une boutique WooCommerce, soulignant la nécessité de mesures de sécurité robustes. Découvrez comment les solutions complètes de WP-Firewall peuvent protéger votre site contre des menaces similaires et protéger les données de vos clients.